Sunday, November 8, 2009


I have lost 37 lbs total and have finally reached my first weight loss goal - I'm under 200 lbs! Hurray, I am less enormous. :D

Somehow despite having lost almost 40 lbs, I have gone down only 2-4 pants sizes, depending on the pants. None of my original pants fit well at all anymore (hurray for the belt), but I don't want to buy a whole new wardrobe until I reach my final goal weight, which has been fluctuating between 130 and 140 lbs - I haven't decided yet. Technically 140 lbs is healthy for a woman of my height (5'4), but I guess I will have to see what I look/feel like when I get there.

I have not been running or climbing as much as I should, so there's no progress to announce on that front. I only ran twice this week. It seems to get quite a bit harder when winter rolls around - it's harder to get out there before the sun goes down, and the cold brings my cough back. I may have to join a gym and run around on an indoor track. We shall see....

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