Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No Fish

Ideally on a diet I should be eating the healthiest and most low calorie foods I can get ahold of. In the protein department, that means I should be eating fish. You may have noticed that roughly 90% of the recipes I've posted involve chicken in some form. That's because I hate fish; not just fish, but anything that once spent the majority of its life in the water. It's not just that they taste bad; I think I actually have a psychological aversion to fish.

I've tried it a few times. Fish like Mahi Mahi and Talapia are supposed to be more subtle, with a less fishy taste, but I can't stand them either. Tonight I went to Eatzi's for a salad and picked up some sushi for Gary, who does not share my crazy. I decided to try Gary's Hawaiian roll, per his suggestion (read: incessant bothering).

It kind of looked like this, but less pretty; I didn't have the foresight to take a picture of it. I put it in my mouth and chewed it and thought, "That's not so bad." Then I began heaving and nearly threw up. I have no idea why, it didn't even taste that fishy, but somehow it creeped me out enough that I was physically sick at the very idea. I managed to keep it under control, though, and now there is raw tuna hiding somewhere in my tummy, which is also pretty creepy.

Fortunately I had my Diet Dr. Pepper, a delicious Eatzi's salad, and hummus to clean the fish taste out of my mouth and restore my sanity. I've discovered that a good way to eat hummus, which is actually pretty good for you if you don't add a bunch of oil to it, is to dip baby carrots in it instead of pita bread.

So delicious. That is actually a picture I took myself (in case you couldn't tell), so it is much less beautiful and slightly phallic. Anyway, carrots are a pretty good substitute with hummus or with tuna or chicken salad. With chicken salad I use carrot discs instead of crackers. Yum!

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