Thursday, September 23, 2010


I finally did it! I ran 5K outdoors in the Texas heat! It certainly doesn't hurt that we have moved from 106+ degree heat down to something a little more manageable (still usually above 90), but I'm pretty excited that I managed to meet that goal. I never did choose an actual 5K to run in October; I wonder if all of the people who agreed to run with me are still even interested in doing that. I accomplished my fitness goal, but if I want a nifty little medal, I will have to keep doing it.

As far as recipes go, I haven't tried anything new lately. I made the chicken popovers for some friends, and then made them again for my brother's fiance's (now wife's) bachelorette party, and everyone seemed to like them. It's nice to have one recipe up my sleeve that people who are not dieting are willing to eat.

I have also been playing around with the pizza crust recipe to make it into a kind of omelet, sans pizza sauce, and that has been interesting. One experiment down that road led to what I'm calling the curry omelet, which I may have to share.

I probably need a new fitness goal to drive me, but for now I'm just going to keep running and lifting weights and, well, trying to lose more weight!

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